PREGNANCY WEEK week your baby
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Friday, November 23, 2012

PREGNANCY (Pregnancy) testing and analysis

A variety of different periods of pregnancy tests and tests are carried out from beginning to end. When couples decide to pregnancy before pregnancy and even some more convenient assays. Some of the specific week of pregnancy tests must be carried out so she can not be outside of weeks, these tests should be carefully monitored during pregnancy, the time missed. The testing is done as a routine part of pregnancy, all pregnant women, some tests are just some of the pregnancies occur certain conditions. All of these tests was made towards the end of the beginning weeks of gestation, respectively, are described below.

The first examination tests:
These tests tahlillerdir made his first reference to the couple's doctor. Pregnancy, pregnancy couples the right thing when they decide not to contact their doctor before they occur, and this interview is done assays. Because some of the abnormalities in these tests, as determined by the measures can be taken before a pregnancy. However, the majority of couples, pregnancy occurs (unit delay), then consults a doctor. This is the first gynecological examination and ultrasonography in seeing the female genital organs are evaluated. Have been made ​​in the last 1 year smear test should be performed. General systemic examination can be done in the presence of abnormality in the relevant industry and professional consultation may be necessary. The first examination tests:
- Complete blood count: maternal anemia (anemia) Do you have to investigate.
- Mom and Dad blood groups: blood incompatibility is detected for the action.
- Blood incompatibility if any IDC (indirect Coombs test)
- To complete urinalysis (urine culture if necessary)
- TSH: If the mother can affect the baby goiter and thyroid hormone disorder, disorder requires treatment by a specialist in internal medicine are detected.
- Toxoplasmosis IgM and IgG: For more information click .
- Rubella IgM - IgG (rubella tests): For more information click .
- CMV IgM and IgG: For more information click .
- Tests for hepatitis B, HBsAg and AntiHBs to: Maternal hepatitis B infection is detected the baby is done to prevent the needle after giving birth to baby antibody.
- HCV test
- HIV (AIDS) test
- Syphilis (syphilis) is not necessary but can be done as a routine test for syphilis.
- Fasting blood sugar in patients with diabetes at high risk for
- Biochemistry (cholesterol, kidney and liver tests, etc.), pregnancy test routine is not recommended. If there should be some systemic diseases, or if advanced maternal age.

11-14 weeks:
11 of pregnancy After weeks of the baby's ultrasound examination of the nuchal translucency (NT) is measured and the double test (blood test) is done. This analysis can be done between 11-14 weeks, 14 be made after week. For more information about this test here .

Between 16-20 weeks:
These weeks of triple test (triple test) or quadruple test is done. If you are at risk as a result of this test amniocentesis (taking the baby water) can be done further investigation. For more information about this test here .

Between 24-28 weeks:
- 50 g glucose load test (sugar water test) is done between 24-28 weeks. 100 g OGTT test if the test results are higher than 140. For more information about these tests here . Missed this week, and from the later weeks of fasting and postprandial blood glucose in patients with diabetes mellitus looking at the predisposition to the condition of the patient can be evaluated.
- If you have blood incompatibility between mother and father 28 IDC week (indirect Coombs test) is made and if this test is negative indicates that the interference is due to blood incompatibility between mother and infant. In this case blood is mismatch needle. If Exposure (indirect Coombs test positive if) can be further investigated to what extent exposure in infants investigations. For detailed information on this subject by clicking here reach.

The foregoing routine tahlillerdir almost every pregnant woman. In some cases, some diseases during pregnancy and in assays other than the above tests may be required.

Between 35-37 weeks:
This week the mother of Group B Streptococcus (bacterium) scan is recommended, but more widespread practice in our country. For detailed information about this topic by clicking here reach.

Especially in the last weeks of pregnancy, the baby is in trouble and day-out suspected cases (day pass) state NST (non stress test) is drawn, detailed information about NST clicking here reach. In addition to the NST biophysical another test for evaluating the status of the baby, the detailed information by clicking here reach. Baby with some risky situations in a test for further evaluation detected by Doppler ultrasonography measurement.

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