PREGNANCY WEEK week your baby
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Friday, November 23, 2012

Blood incompatibility (Rh / Rh incompatibility)

What is the blood incompatibility?
Maternal blood group, Rh (-) negative, the father is Rh positive (+) state to be Rh incompatibility (blood incompatibility) is called. This double baby Rh (+) or Rh (-) may, baby Rh (-) is not a problem, but baby Rh (+) in the blood incompatibility immunization of Rh (interact) and can cause some problems. Ie, blood incompatibility Rh incompatibility Rh immunization with different things, you need to karıştırımaması. Rh immunization in pregnancy, so do not interact with each blood incompatibility.

Mother's blood group is Rh-negative, the father is Rh-positive, except for the case to be blood incompatibility.

In the presence of Rh incompatibility is positive if the baby during pregnancy or birth of the baby's blood comes into contact with the blood of the mother and the mother's blood the baby's blood erythrocytes (red blood cells) passes. There are Rh antigens on red blood cells of this baby. It responds by producing anti-Rh antibodies in the mother. This is a baby during pregnancy if the baby is not harmed, but a subsequent pregnancy Rh (+) is formed anti-Rh antibodies in the mother's blood to the baby through the first pregnancy and the baby's red blood cells in the blood of fragmentation and infant anemia (anemia) causes.

The following conditions may occur during pregnancy to the mother and the baby to pass through the birth and the mother's blood can lead to the formation of antibodies against them. These conditions are:
Miscarriage, abortion, ectopic pregnancy, amniocentesis, CVS, cordocentesis to perform such procedures.
In these cases, in order to avoid potential interference with the mother's anti-D injections should be done within 72 hours. This pin is usually in the thigh muscle (intramuscular injection) is made. Are recommended to be performed within 72 hours of the needle can be done together has been reported in 14-28 days.

Blood incompatibility (Rh / Rh incompatibility) the initial examination in patients with indirect Coombs test (ICT) is probably the lowest in the antenatal period, Rh isoimmunization negative because of the possibility of development in the 20th ICT should be repeated at weekly intervals from week four. ICT in pregnant women with a negative, first 28 300 micrograms of anti-D gamma globulin per week (popularly called blood incompatibility needle) and prophylaxis should be done. The purpose of this period, the implementation of prophylaxis until delivery may occur during the 12-week fetus-maternal hemorrhage is to meet. The most important period for prophylaxis in a pregnant woman did not immunized delivery. Following the birth of the baby's cord blood Coombs test (DCT) and the baby's blood group studied. DCT negative and the baby's blood group, Rh (+) in case of anti-D immunoglobulin (blood incompatibility of the mother needle) must be repeated. The first 72 hours after birth, the baby's blood group is positive in the anti-D globulin injections should be made. These maternal antibodies to the next, avoiding obstacles pregnancy affected by these antibodies. Rh incompatibility is a problem does not occur in the first pregnancy.

Blood uyuşmazığında work if the baby affected by maternal anti-Rh antibodies and the precipitate is caused by the disintegration of the baby's blood cells. Anemia, anemia seen that in this case the baby. Accordingly, the condition known as hydrops ultrasound baby is determined. Accumulation of fluid in body cavities as a result of anemia in infants, heart failure and cause of hydrops table. Depending on the severity of the disease and the amount of blood cells are destroyed in the womb, the baby can be seen even in death.

If the test is positive in the ICT titration studied. 1/16 and the bottom of the titrations there is no risk to the fetus during the intrauterine period. In this case, İCT'ni intervals of 2-4 weeks should be enough to repeat. ICT positivity, 1/16 's pregnancy is not treated unless it on. Only now will be developed izoimmunizasyon not need prophylaxis. Titration 1/16, or to investigate the severity of exposure in the case of amniocentesis, cordocentesis, and should be advanced examinations such as ultrasound. The blood of the womb, the baby may need to modify the disease is severe. Measure the optical density of amniotic fluid obtained by amniocentesis method (DOD450 - depending on the intensity of bilirubin) are evaluated, and the so-called Liley curve, the curve is divided into risk group. Liley curve 2 or 3 shingles have been affected by violent means, and those receiving a blood transfusion is indicated. Cordocentesis and hemoglobin and blood transfusion can be done to the baby.

Situations that could cause maternal Rh alloimmunizasyonuna:
These situations Rh (-) mother's Rh antibodies that can cause build conditions.
- Blood transfusion
- Pregnancy or childbirth Rh (+) blood cells to pass the baby to the mother
- Spontaneous or voluntary abortion
- Curettage
- Ectopic Pregnancy
- Placenta (the baby's wife) early separation
- Anne belly bumps and trauma
- Amniocentesis (taking water from the womb, the baby)
- CVS (chorionic villus sampling)
- Cordocentesis (baby's cord blood to be taken)
- External cephalic version (turning the baby standing reverse process is made today.)

A, B, O blood group incompatibility due, okay?
Mother and baby are A, B, O blood group incompatibility may also occur due to. 20 per cent of all pregnancies are possible in theory, but in practice it does not matter in dispute because of this interference is too mild. Therefore, practically any pharmaceutical ABO incompatibility be investigated, in order to prevent it. Mother 0 group, the fetus is A1 or B group talk about this kind of dispute. Light exposure in this case is insignificant and causes of anemia in practice: in this case did not pass the placenta usually IgM antibodies, emollient, consists of a small number of IgG antibody structure. Has a small amount of antigens on the surface of red blood cells. Therefore, antibodies to antigens found in all tissues fetus is connected to all the tissues and the effect on red blood cells is minimal.

ABO blood group incompatibility between mother and fetus due to ABO incompatibility and Rh incompatibility Rh incompatibility if the decrease of the intensity. Because the fetus from the mother to the fetus Rh antigens in the ABO antibodies, provides in part suffering any damage.

Granny Theory (Theory Grandmother) What?
This is an interesting theory according to the situation of Rh antibodies, the source of the baby's grandmother from mother to baby. Baby Rh (+), Mom rh (-), grandmother rh (+), respectively.
Here, the fetomaternal hemorrhage of the fetus during pregnancy grandmother to create an anti-D antibodies caused (normaldekinin vice versa). So you have been sensitized to the fetus in the womb. Becomes pregnant, her baby after the birth of the fetus to come into adulthood rh (+) if the pre-formed anti-D antibodies in itself, this time more will their baby and the baby is likely to cause disease.

1 comment:

  1. The diction in this article is worrisome.... I did not understand some points made
