PREGNANCY WEEK week your baby
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Friday, November 23, 2012


50 g glucose load test - 100g oral glucose tolerance test (sugar water test)

24-28. weeks of gestational diabetes (diabetes that occurs during pregnancy), 50 g glucose load test is performed for the purpose of screening. The test can be applied as an empty or full. Testing extreme obesity, a history of large baby doll, first-degree relatives or previous pregnancies, gestational diabetes (diabetes that occurs during pregnancy) in the presence of risk factors such as a history of an earlier period, the first examination should be performed. Pregnant women with these risk factors, even if the test results are normal 24-28. weeks should be repeated.

5O g glucose load test result is greater than 130 or 140 is a 3-hour 100 g oral glucose tolerance test. Containing carbohydrate nutrition program for pregnant 300gr OGTT is three days. People during this period continue normal daily activity in the morning after fasting 12 hours after the evening of day 0 etmelidir.Üçüncü minutes after blood glucose within 5 minutes of 100gr drink. Then, the first, second and third hours of glucose (blood sugar) in the blood sample is taken.

Fasting> 95 mg / dl
1.saattte> 180 mg / dl
2.saatte> 155 mg / dl
3.saatte> 140 mg / dl

The fourth value is 2 or more abnormal gestational diabetes (diabetes that occurs during pregnancy) is diagnosed. Value is higher in the case of a single test should be repeated after a month is recommended. 50 g glucose load test result is 190 mg / dl higher than in the case without the necessity of 100g OGTT fasting glucose level is enough to look at. If the fasting blood glucose 95mg/dl of pregnant women with gestational diabetes are found on the start and the evaluation of treatment.

Note: Various sources, glucose, glucose or glucose in the form of correct spelling according to TDK'ya Though glucose.

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