PREGNANCY WEEK week your baby
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Friday, November 23, 2012

PREGNANCY (PREGNANCY) diabetes (pregnancy-related diabetes, DIABETES)

ITS pregnancy diabetes (gestational diabetes mellitus)
Diabetes mellitus (diabetes) is a condition that causes high blood sugar levels. Some women with diabetes before pregnancy are available. Some of the other women is "gestational diabetes" in the form of so-called situation occurs during pregnancy. Pregestastional one of every 200 pregnancies, DM (pre-pregnancy diabetes) and in addition, 5 patients every 200 pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus (diabetes during the course of pregnancy) is expected to develop.

If you have diabetes before pregnancy, during pregnancy, keep your blood sugar level under control may become more difficult than before. Dose of insulin may need to change.

If diabetes is not treated before pregnancy or during pregnancy, the following problems may occur:
- Your blood sugar levels are high, the baby can cause very irileşmesine. Big babies, before and during birth are at risk for more problems. A higher risk of cesarean delivery without using large babies. In addition, installation of the shoulder during birth, birth trauma, birth prolongation of the action of the big risks to the baby.
- Baby, heart, kidney, and may be abnormalities in the spine.
- During pregnancy, the "pre-eclampsia" may be referred to as high blood pressure, and this can lead to problems you or infants.
- May be preterm labor (before the end of week 37 of pregnancy), or may occur in situations that require delivery of the baby early.
- Following the birth of the baby, "hypoglycemia" low levels of blood sugar can be called.
- Following the birth of the baby, breathing problems may occur in the lungs to not develop fully.
- Sudden infant death may occur
- RDS after birth (infant lung ie, breathing) may develop a shortage of
- After the birth the baby hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) and high bilirubin, polycythemia (excess of blood cells in infants) may occur

If you are taking the right treatment before and during pregnancy and regular checkups yaptırıyorsanız, higher chance of bringing about a healthy baby.

Many pregnant women with symptoms of diabetes, but it does not really matter, and it is understood that assays thirst, weight loss, eating too much food, too much to urinate, may have symptoms such as fatigue.

If a woman with diabetes who become pregnant, during pregnancy should be aware of the disease control more difficult and more kötüleşebileceğini.

Diagnosis For glucose tolerance tests (sugar water test) is the so-called tests. 24-28. screening all pregnant women for gestational week 50 gr. glucose test is done. 50 g glucose load test only as a screening test for the diagnosis of diabetes koydırmaz precise. 50 grams, 100 grams of glucose test glucose tolerance test value those who are more than 140 high. Diagnosis of diabetes mellitus based on 100 grams of glucose test result can be added. These tests are described in a separate can find detailed under the hood.

Sometimes it is sufficient for the treatment of gestational diabetes diet. When diet is not enough insulin therapy is started. The form of tablets, sugar-lowering drugs can not be used during pregnancy.

On when and how should it be?
If you do not have any other abnormality in diabetic pregnancies birth, cesarean section or normal delivery in the form of another situation that requires the normal time carried out. However, usually (especially insulin users) 40 weeks after the birth is planned. In such cases, the bone structure of the incompatibility large baby or the mother may need to cesarean section.

Diabetes continues after birth?
Most women after the birth of the baby passes through it. Mothers diagnosed with gestational diabetes during pregnancy 75 g glucose OGTT 6 weeks after birth (sugar loading test) is applied. Continue to learn whether this test of diabetes. This test is normal, even if the mother's next pregnancy or the risk of developing diabetes later in life were more likely than other people.
Diabetes before pregnancy, pre-pregnancy state after the birth of those who probably will return again.

Children, the risk of developing diabetes in later years:
- According to the children of diabetic mothers of infants born in the future type 2 diabetes and non-diabetic mothers during pregnancy (gestational) diabetes has increased 20-fold increased risk.
- The risk of developing diabetes in children of mothers with diabetes while pregnant is 33%.

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