PREGNANCY WEEK week your baby
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Friday, November 23, 2012

PREGNANCY (PREGNANCY), CMV (cytomegalovirus)

Cytomegalovirus (Cytomegalovirus, CMV), herpes virus is a DNA virus family. The most common perinatal infection. Is an infection that is very common that people spend more than half of these infections. Urine, saliva, tears, semen, body fluid contact with all types of milk and can be transmitted by sexual intercourse and blood transfusion. Can pass to the baby during pregnancy. Breastfeeding can be passed on by.

Passed for the first time it is called primary infection with CMV infection. This is the first infection, the virus stays in the body and make it so quiet becomes latent in the future be activated again. This is called recurrent respiratory tract infections or recurrent infection. During pregnancy and the first (primary) and recurrent (recurrent) can be in the form of infection.

Infection is often asymptomatic or mild symptoms, fever, fatigue, sore throat, joint pain, swollen lymph glands, and passed.

Raised for the first time during pregnancy (primary) CMV infection:
Never had CMV infection before pregnancy, during pregnancy, the rate of 1-4% for the first time mothers will develop this infection. First-time mothers who had CMV infection during pregnancy to child infection by 20-40%, and this infection is affected by one-tenth of the babies. Affected infants, eye, liver, spleen, brain creates the main affected organs. Cytomegalic inclusion disease (congenital cytomegalovirus infection) occurs the so-called baby. Microcephaly (head is smaller than normal), calcifications in the brain, liver, and spleen growth, vision and hearing problems, mental retardation, growth retardation, jaundice, petechiae, and death may occur. Despite the small proportion of babies after birth the long-term mental retardation, hearing problems, such as problems arise.

CMV infection in the uterus outside of these problems are caused by low or there is no enough evidence that can lead to death.

Recurrent pregnancy (recurrent), CMV infection:
Baby affect the risk of infection, although more common than primary lower. Secondary infection rate of 1-2% is passed through to the baby during pregnancy. Perimer influence the risk of infection is infection of the baby, although less than the short-or long-term effects may occur.
Tests carried out before becoming pregnant and during pregnancy detected by repeat his previous CMV infection CMV infection is recurrent infection and the baby spent to influence the risk of infection is detected, it is understandably low.

Influence the risk of infection is passed in the early stages of pregnancy, the baby is higher than late infection is passed. Although initially influenced by both primary and recurrent infection, the baby may occur in 5-10% of the long-term effects.

Passing the infection to the baby during pregnancy, in which the transition rate, and how does it affect the baby's risk of interference is not clear yet.

CMV IgM antibodies in the blood of the mother cared for the disease means that the new being. CMV IgG antibody is passed in the past. CMV IgM antibody was positive in 75% of primary infections, recurrent infections, 10% were positive. 4-fold increase in IgG titer That's why the newly migrated more useful for the diagnosis of infection. Various times after infection IgM disappears again.
The mother's urine is excreted virus during infection the virus can be isolated from a variety of body fluids, but this method is not very accurate and is functional.
Fetus, fetal blood or amniotic fluid or chorionic infection is diagnosed villusundan virus culture or PCR can be done with DNA isolation. IgM antibodies in the blood of the fetus or considered. The sensitivity and specificity of these methods are not well known demonstration of infection in the fetus fetus does not give information about the severity of the disease. These methods, however, one fourth of infection of fetuses diagnosed the problem develops after birth, three-quarters of the problem does not occur.
This diagnostic methods will be useful to investigate anomalies in offspring with ultrasonography outside.

What to do when the infection during pregnancy is passed?
Passed on during pregnancy primary (first) infection is recurrent (recurrent), but we have a greater risk of infection to affect the baby based on both the baby's risk of infection is low, but there may be serious problems in the affected infants. In addition to both primary and recurrent infection is difficult to diagnose clinically and laboratory. Infection often difficult to recognize mild symptoms passed by looking at the complaints and findings.

Family and doctors in case of infection during pregnancy discuss the risks mentioned above should decide not to continue with the pregnancy.

There is no vaccine or treatment of any of CMV. However, in our country before pregnancy or during pregnancy scans are made. Of the persons with CMV met before paying attention to the rules of hygiene, etc. to reduce their chances of exposure to this infection must demonstrate attention to detail.

General recommendations to prevent CMV infection:
- Small children should be washed with soap after contact with the hands, including urinary and salivary secretions of children should be avoided.
- Nursery, the class should be avoided as much as possible places.
- The child attends daycare strict hygienic rules must be followed, the child must be cleaned with soap and water after contact with secretions (eg, after diaper changes)
- Children should be avoided in the lip or cheek kissing.
- Food and drinks shared with children, use forks, spoons, etc. should not be used without washing.
- Blood transfusion CMV (-) must be made with blood.
- Condoms should be used.

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