PREGNANCY WEEK week your baby
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Friday, November 23, 2012


German measles (Rubella, German MEASLES) is a viral infection characterized by fever and rash. So begins a typical rash spreads down the body, mild fever, swollen lymph glands, loss of appetite, headache, and joint pain are symptoms. All of these symptoms does not always happen, for example, shall be 5% of the debris being seen.
Sick person coughs or sneezes into the air with rubella virus is transmitted by.

1 week before the rash, the person leaving the patient with a rash gleaned the following 4-day period has bulaştırıcılığa. Incubation takes 14-21 days varies between rubella. Infection in vaccinated persons or persons who acquire lifelong immunity and not spend any more of this disease. Rubella IgG blood test is positive, the person has immunity against the disease. And a very small number had not been immune to spend his adult disease.

Anyone who thinks pregnancy pregnancy test and the previous control of rubella IgG immune to rubella, ie, whether it is learned. Necessarily immune to rubella vaccine should be given to people. Causes a pregnant 1 month after vaccination is recommended that pregnant women who live, but during this period there was a problem occurs. Therefore, pregnant women during early pregnancy termination of pregnancy without knowing that people with rubella vaccine is not recommended.

Rubella vaccine live vaccine during pregnancy can be made. Be vaccinated during the breastfeeding period.

Spent the first 12 weeks of pregnancy pass the virus to the fetus infection by 90%, while 50% of 13-16 weeks, 16 35% goes to the fetus is reduced transition after week, but increased again in the last 2 or even 36 of pregnancy interest rate of 90% after week.

What are the effects of pregnancy?
Infection is passed to the baby during pregnancy various disabilities (anomalies) or low or even death may result.
Spent the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, the infection affects the baby as high as 50%. Some of them resulted in abortion causes a part of the anomalies. Therefore, especially in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy must be terminated by infections passed. May be reluctant to terminate the pregnancy immune globulin, immunoglobulin of maternal infection may reduce the protective effect, but there is no baby.
Infections in 50% of infants 13-16 weeks passed between the hearing problem is encountered.
17. If infection occurs after week of pregnancy and risk of harm to the fetus in pregnancy is very low so I do not need to terminate.

The most common anomalies, eye problems, hearing loss, heart and mental problems, meningitis, liver and spleen enlargement, learning disabilities, anemia, eating disorders, low birth weight. Problems of the baby "congenital rubella syndrome" is called. The classic triad of congenital rubella syndrome, cataracts, deafness, and cardiac abnormalities.

9 of rubella infection passed from 4% of pregnancies, stillbirths seen in 2% to 3 patients.

Diagnosis of maternal infection:
Detection of rubella IgM positive or suspected pregnancy diagnosis 15 days after the beginning of symptoms and tended to increase in IgG titer, or more than 4 people are known to be immune to the beginning of pregnancy, during pregnancy and diagnosed by detection of antibodies positive.

The diagnosis of infection in the fetus:
Diagnosis of infection in the fetus fetal blood or amniotic fluid or chorionic villusunda IgM antibodies can be made by demonstration of the virus. These tests show passes to the fetus infection in the fetus even an idea of ​​the degree of damage can not occur. In addition, the negative results of these tests can not always guarantee that the infection.

Termination of pregnancy:
The first 12 weeks of pregnancy, termination of pregnancy because of the risk of interference is highly recommended that the fetus. During the period from 13-16 weeks of infection to the fetus can be decided by him which shows that utilizing the methods of diagnosis. 16. After weeks of gestation the fetus is low risk of infection, but the family does not want to take a risk pregnancies terminated.

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