PREGNANCY WEEK week your baby
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Thursday, February 7, 2013


Egg laying (ovulation) UNITS MUST HAVE YOU SEEN?

One can see a woman's ovulation, though they are not (mens, menses, menstruation) is possible. This kind of time and amount of bleeding, often different from the woman's normal menstrual period, usually premature irregular bleeding, but it may coincide with the normal one.
Spawn the normal menstrual cycle in women took place one day each month (ovulation) occurs through. How does one mean vajial bleeding without ovulation months before announcing that the normal menstrual cycle ovulation is going to need to explain how the actual customs.

The normal menstrual cycle ovulation occur due to:
Ovulation in women is typically once a month and the days of ovulation corresponds to approximately the middle of two menstrual bleeding. Approximately 14 days before the start of menstruation is ovulation. Women are usually 28-30 on day one sees. The beginning of a menstrual period to the beginning of the next menstruation period or one period of a menstrual period, menstrual cycle are given names such as. Ayılır two parts of a menstrual period in women. The day after the day of ovulation and spawning prior year period.
- Spawning period preceding the follicular phase (proliferative phase) is called, this period begins on the day of menstruation begins and ends on the day of ovulation. During this period, the follicle sac in which egg cells secrete the hormone estrogen to grow steadily. Layer during this period with the effect of the hormone estrogen in the uterus (endometrium) thickens gradually. At the end of this period, is no longer with the ovulation hormone estrogen and progesterone begins to increase is reduced.
- The period from the day of ovulation luteal phase (secretory phase) is called. This period begins with ovulation and lasts until the start of the next menstrual period. The mean duration of this period is 14 days. This period begins after ovulation and progesterone secretion of the hormone progesterone, the hormone changes the structure of the inner layer of the uterus. The corpus luteum hormone progesterone ovaries (yellow body) secreted by the so-called structure, the realization of this structure after ovulation the follicle (egg found in the sac) occurs. 14 days after ovulation, the corpus luteum (yellow body) decline, start to disappear, so it decreases the hormone progesterone. Progesterone hormone starts to bleed, and one inner layer of the uterus is reduced. Nedenir of the main bleeding is a normal menstrual cycle, progesterone withdrawal bleeding, so it is called.

Birth control pills or hormone drugs, with some pieces in the regulatory mechanism of menstruation is normal menstrual kanamasındaki progesterone withdrawal bleeding.

How is menstruation ovulation takes place?
(Anovulation Bleeding)
Here the growing egg cells (follicles) with estrogen hormone secreted by the inner layer of the uterus thickens, just a normal menstrual cycle as described above. However, spawning took place in the middle of the menstrual cycle (ovulation) event does not occur. For this reason, the effect of estrogen continues to decline, the effect of the hormone progesterone will not start. (The effect of progesterone ovulation starts.) In this case, the inner layer of the uterus to continue to the effect of estrogen (endometrial) will continue to thicken more than usual, and after a while becomes very thick and not feed for longer bleeding, shedding begins. This type of bleeding without ovulation is called anovulatory bleeding, or estrogen breakthrough bleeding.

Form of bleeding, duration and amount:
Menstruation without ovulation occurred months usually starts a little later and lasts longer than the normal time. Sometimes bleeding spots, drop-shaped, sometimes excessive bleeding. According to the normal custom of women is usually the amount of bleeding patterns vary. However, the exact time and the normal amount of bleeding may be rare. I always goes unnoticed. This month, the patient usually does not matter one mid-term changes caused by ovulation (breast swelling, tenderness, increased vaginal discharge, an increase in body temperature).

Who gets?
Anovulatory bleeding (bleeding without ovulation), menstrual bleeding usually begins in the early years, the years approaching menopause, are seen in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome. In the middle ages, customs, etc. very rarely may occur regularly once a year for women. Stress, fatigue, etc. may be caused by factors.

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