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Thursday, February 7, 2013

Are not present in spawning

WHY NOT ovulation in women?

Every woman is an event that is normally held once a month at ovulation, so menses (menstruation, menstrual) provide regular progress and the ability to remain pregnant. After entering menopause is no longer fully function ends and the female menstrual ovulation can see, can not get pregnant. About the so-called woman's reproductive period before menopause between the ages of 15-50 in the spawning occurs in almost every month, but some months, ovulation may not occur in this case, menstrual irregularity, spotting can be seen. Lack of ovulation (anovuasyon) detailed information about the click here to reach.

The first menses common condition usually begins in young maiden lack of ovulation, menstrual irregularities so often, delays may occur. This condition is usually self corrects a few years after the start of menstruation. Similarly, a few years before entering menopause often lack of ovulation and menstrual irregularities may occur.

The reasons for the lack of ovulation:
- Excessive stress
- Psychological trauma
- Excessive exercise
- Sudden weight loss
- Obesity (obesity)
- Severe eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia)
- Chronic severe diseases
- Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
- Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (disorders of the pituitary gland in the brain)
- Pituitary tumors, adenomas
- Pituitary ischemia (vascular impairment of the pituitary conditions, such as Sheehan's syndrome ...)
- Hyperprolactinemia (ie milk hormone prolactin elevation)
- Premature ovarian syndrome (POF)
- Thyroid gland disorders, thyroid (hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism)
- Perimenopause (the period before menopause)
- Breastfeeding: Lohusalarda regular nursing baby too much, and especially feeding with breast milk until completely release the lack of ovulation is common in some months. In this reason, delays can occur. Some mothers breast-feeding Although very regularly see regular ovulation and menstruation.
- Genetic causes: Turner syndrome ...
- Used in some medications (antidepressant and antipsychotic drugs)
- Some of the ovaries (ovarian) tumors
- Adrenal gland diseases: Hyperandrogenism, adrenal insufficiency (the adrenal gland disorders)

Some of the reasons listed above or treatable causes of action can be taken. In particular wish to have children and nonpregnant women are among the most common causes of infertility in patients with lack of ovulation (anovulasyon.) In this case, if you have a condition that causes anovulation or eggs removed developer, is treated with drugs that stimulate ovulation. Infertility (infertility) detailed information about the treatment by clicking here reach.

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