PREGNANCY WEEK week your baby
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Thursday, February 7, 2013



Can not get pregnant (not conceiving) of a couple of first order to mention about the problem of regular and sufficient time must be sure that the correct sexual intercourse. Ie can not get pregnant infertility (infertility) necessary in order to make the diagnosis of sexual intercourse duration is 12 months. So, a couple who have sex regularly and correctly trial for 12 months, although unable to achieve pregnancy "can not get pregnant" can be said, this is not normal for pregnancy before time runs out.

Order to mention about the problem of not get pregnant you need to have sexual relations with sufficient time:
The couples who want to pregnancy and regular sexual intercourse after 3 months of pregnancy may occur in approximately half. After 6 months of regular sexual intercourse occurs in approximately 75% of pregnancies. Some couples get married in the first months pregnant just to keep it that way does not mean that every pair. For 1 year in 85% of couples achieve pregnancy is in the relationship, and that the rest of infertility infertility (PTS pregnant, the problem of being able to conceive) can be diagnosed.

Regular and proper sexual intercourse must:
Can not get pregnant causes of the problem are lacking in sexual intercourse regularly and correctly. Regular sexual intercourse sexual intercourse is meant by 2 times per week on average. This is not necessarily every week, especially in the middle of menstrual cycle ovulation, corresponding to the time of sexual intercourse every 2-3 days is sufficient. In this way, without sexual intercourse may be placed on a dual diagnosis of infertility, particularly throughout the time of ovulation by paying attention to correct this situation and to plan regular intercourse. Are located in different cities, especially spouses and rare cases, this kind of opinion can not conceiving can be caused by lack of regular intercourse. You can find more information about this topic the following links:
- Easy to days on which I can stay pregnant?
- Automatic Ovulation Date Calculator
Rarely, some couples have sexual intercourse for pregnancy does not know the right way. The relationship is a very important position in this regard, but the man must be discharged into the woman's vagina. Partly in order to prevent pregnancy pregnancy relationship lubricant materials, etc. should be avoided by couples who want to use them.

Sufficient time intercourse for three reasons described above, ie, regular intercourse, intercourse correctly the first to pregnancy conditions. Despite the fulfillment of these requirements correctly state that can not get pregnant because of the gynecological examination and analysis for research, examination should be performed:
- Made in the Presence of Infertility Tests, Tests

Both men and women can not get pregnant causes:
About the problem of being able to conceive couples living in 15% of couples, no cause can be found as a result of research, that knowing the cause of infertility is called. One reason is that the problem can be found in couples equal distribution of males and females indicates that about half the time. Both men and women, the problem is rarely detected.

Woman can not get pregnant (infertility) and the commonest causes of the problem of ovulation (ovulation disorder) , and blockage in the tubes that is. In addition, many factors can cause pregnant kalamamaya, detailed information about them by clicking here reach. Further information about the reasons for Men by clicking here reach.

Advanced age of the woman (large) causes kalamamaya found to be pregnant?
Women between age and the problem of being able to conceive is a very strong correlation. Because the capacity of the ovaries in women with advancing age (ovarian reserve) is reduced, popularly known as the reduction of this hormone disorder or hormones. This is especially true for women 35-40 years of age. Women detailed information about the relationship between age and the ability to remain pregnant clicking here reach.

A man advanced age (older) that causes kalamamaya been pregnant?
Advanced age of the woman is man, but not much can be contributed to being able to conceive. Some deterioration in sperm quality, especially for the 45-50 age slightly reduced the chance of pregnancy. However, with age in men, ie the ability to create chances of pregnancy sperm production has declined lasts for life. For detailed information about the relationship between age and infertility in men by clicking here reach.

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