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Thursday, February 7, 2013

Egg cracking WHAT?

WHAT IS THE EGG women cracking?

What is cracking the egg?
Cracking eggs out of the ovary to release the egg is female.
Egg cracking = Ovulation = Ovulation = follicle rupture = follicle rupture of the follicle cracking = -> These terms express exactly the same thing.
Egg cracking the fact that the incident described by the word itself is not cracked or torn egg (egg cell), The foliküldür surrounding the egg. Egg sacs called follicles in the ovary is located. Follicle cells surrounding the egg a certain size (usually 18-20 mm) reaches tearing (cracking), and in starts in the egg cell is released out of the ovary. This is captured by the egg and the sperm met in tube pregnancy (fertilization) occurs. After the introduction of the ovary after ovulation the egg that is not subject to a condition such as cracking. Cracking the event of ovulation itself already.

What is Ovarian cracking?
Female egg cells in the ovary that contains the organ, ie the so-called medical name ovary organ. Cracking the ovary is the organ itself, egg sacs called follicles containing cells. Cracks found on the ovaries as a result of the above picture is released from a follicle is an egg cell.

How about cracking the egg? How to tell? Symptoms?
Egg cracking, ie ovulation (ovulation), when the cracks in the follicle fluid flows around the abdomen into the uterus and ovaries that usually causes a mild pain. Women are usually one-sided or two-sided tug in his groin when cracking eggs feel a pain but it may not be felt during ovulation. Approaching the day of ovulation vaginal moisture, discharge is increased. Breast tenderness, swelling, fullness, increased body temperature and ovulation period to increase sexual desire in the other symptoms.

How many days will it take cracking the egg?
Egg cracking the egg released from the ovary called the event a momentary event, but can live up to 12-24 hours maximum. For this reason, no more than one day after cracking the egg has a chance of pregnancy. A more detailed explanation on this subject by clicking here reach.

What should be done to crack the egg?
Especially infertility (infertility), this is a question frequently asked by patients according to treatment. No other method of doctors and medicines should not be attempted in this regard the proposal. Herbal remedies or cures are marketed under different names will not provide any benefit in this regard can also provide infertile patients, damage to the various topics. It should be noted that although a substance which plants There is no standard regarding sensitive issues such as infertility, can be very harmful substances from the outside to be this way. This species of plants, herbs, tea, etc. The applications should be avoided absolutely.

When the egg is cracked? Which day of the menstrual cycle?
Ovulation, menstruation begins approximately 14 days before the event occurs. More rarely, for example 35 days, 21 days after the beginning of a piece of a female ovulation occurs. For further explanation and auto-spawning (egg cracking) time calculation program by clicking here reach. Similarly, a woman with a 28-day menstrual regularity, cracking eggs is 14 days after the start of menstruation, a woman with customs 30 days is 16 days after the start of menstrual bleeding.

Cracking eggs and hormones:
Egg cracking (rupture of the follicle) days of menstrual period corresponding to the middle of estrogen (E2, enstradiol) and LH hormones to reach the maximum level (peak to do) Following occur. Estradiol (E2) peak makes the 12 to 24 hours after the LH peak hormone. Began to rise after 36 hours of LH (LH reaches the maximum level after 12 hours) egg cracking occurs.

Egg cracking shot:
Infertility patients treated similarly to the normal rhythm of the female body reaches a size of eggs, enough HCG hormone (Koriogonadotropin alpha) are drugs containing these drugs, "fracturing needle referred to as". Feature of this drug is similar to the hormone LH in the female body, so to mimic the rise of LH provides the egg cracking. Eggs cracking eggs, cracking needle that is applied after approximately 36 hours of ovulation (ovulation) occurs.

After fertilization, the egg is cracking:
After cracking the egg released into the fallopian tube Egg (tube) and more recently caught having sex with a body made bulunulmuşsa or vaccination in the tube with the sperm meets the egg and fertilization occurs. Scroll through the material placed into the uterus caused by fertilization pregnancy. Further information about fertilization by clicking here reach.

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